Mission In The City (MITC) is a 501 C-3 Community Development Organization with a
Vision to “Make life better for the people in Saginaw and Saginaw County.” with a
Mission to “Restore our community one person, one block at a time.”
To live in a city that makes us proud. To make Saginaw, Michigan a city of stable jobs, good schools, safe streets, and a vibrant business district. Mission In The City is what we do to connect people to a better life. It allows us to go throughout our target area from 5th St to 9th St and Lapeer to Cherry acquiring land, renovating homes, providing positive community gatherings, meeting needs and giving people hope from many aspects of life.
The fulfillment of this dream will assist the City of Saginaw public safety and the police department in removing the blight within the community that’s causing gunfire, drug traffic, abandoned houses, & community gangs. It will also offset the damaging effects of poverty and structural disadvantages that cause serious crime among youth. Currently, the following statistics are eating at the weak edges of our communities and causing people to not want to live in the City of Saginaw nor its neighboring cities:
Abandoned Houses
March 2007, Saginaw had over 800 abandoned houses. In 2011, the number peaked at 1006. In 2016 the number of abandoned houses has fallen to around 400. Many of these homes have been demolished by the City of Saginaw using a variety of state and federal grants, but open ground still needs to be maintained. . Andrew Miller assistant professor at SVSU, has done a research study which found a connection between a drop in violent crime and the elimination of blighted structures due to the MSHDA program. MITC has stepped up and purchased both houses and undeveloped land. Houses have been rehabbed and used for MITC programs. The land has been used for programs like Community Garden, well maintained green spaces and to construct our Fitness Park. Abandoned Houses are the perfect catalyst for drug traffic, shootings, prostitution, gangs, rodents and loss of property value. The community feels visibly safer which leads to more outdoor activities and a greater sense of community spirit.
According to the statistical reports for the City of Saginaw in 2006 alone, Saginaw residents experienced one hundred and forty shootings (140) and twenty six (26) homicides. The FBI declared Saginaw to be the most dangerous American city with population over 50,000 from 2002 to 2009. In 2015 the population dropped under 50,000 officially, but if there were a few more people, Saginaw would rank 16th. Saginaw had an 18% drop in violent crime to 692 violent crimes in 2015. In 2006, Saginaw had 1467 violent crimes. As Saginaw residents feel safer, they are unleashed to improve their own lives.
We believe that the Saginaw community can heal, and that restoration can continue through community development and programs that will meet the needs of the whole person.
We believe that if Saginaw is going to be rebuilt or revitalized then somebody has to leave a legacy for the next generation to work with. Our mission is to do just that! We have taken a major leap to invest in our kids and in our community – to give hurting people hope.
After nine years, MITC has made a difference!
Explore our website to learn more about our programs, and to see how you can be a part of Saginaw’s rebirth!